Common interests Camping/Outdoors, Cooking, Current events, Dining out, Exercising, Financial Markets, Fishing/Hunting, Museums & art, Playing sports, Political interests, Reading books, Tea/Coffee & conversation, Volunteering Religious practice I am a believer and have strong faith in Allah (s.w.t). I dont believe that anyone can be a perfect muslim but Alhamdulillah i strive everyday to be a better muslim. I do my wajibaats but other than that i find a great amount of happiness and peace in learning and practicing Islam. Alhamdulillah My partner preferences In the name of Allah the benficent the merciful, I am looking for someone who would like to embark on the journey to getting to know Islam further with me. I am looking for someone who will make my imaan rise. Someone who will make me more pious and someone with whom i will always be reminded that the dunya is temporary. More about me I am currently a student at the university of calgary studying economics and finance. Should any other personal information be required please feel free to drop me a message inshaAllah.
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